Category Archives: Leon Goldenberg

2016: Year of Opportunity

As we enter into 2016, many people prepare to focus on their latest goal. Some focus on items that are entirely new and others dedicate their time to strengthening their skills and working toward a long term goal of which they have been on their way to obtaining. Whether your 2015 was a year of reaping reward or planting seeds we are all at the head of the New Year together.

Additionally, we will soon come together as a nation, as we cast our ballots for the Presidential Primary election and the other elections that are set to occur this year and will begin shortly. Remember to get to know the details on what the candidates offer and how it will or won’t benefit our great community and this great nation. Utilize your rights – vote 2016.

If you are not registered to vote click here to register to vote online or download the NYS Voter Registration form.